Training Brainwaves – Very Powerful! In my appointments I use cutting edge brainwave entrainment programs to assist training the brain – perfect for: Raising brainwave patterning – the sound frequencies contained within incredible relaxing music not only takes your mind to the alpha state of relaxation for you, but shows your brain wave pattern how to […]
What happened to Buddha under the Bodhi Tree? Bodhi is the name of a famous tree. The Bodhi Tree. It is famous as the tree under which Buddha sat and meditated. After many years of striving to reach enlightenment Buddha determinedly decided to sit under this Bodhi tree and meditate continuously without stopping until he […]
Meditation & Positive Mind Direction overcomes the pervasiveness of stress in your life Meditation and positive mindfulness help drastically reduce stress which is a widespread, insidious and negative experience for most people and it can control how you think, behave and your health. Stress is stored negative emotions from past events, which haven’t been processed […]
We Don’t Just Hear Sound, We Feel It ! When we think of sound, we think of hearing something: a person talking, the wind blowing, an orchestra playing a symphony. To most people, sound is just something you hear. But there are actually four other ways that the body receives sound. They all enter the […]
Transformational Energetic Healing breaks down low vibration emotional trauma and helps to neutralise distressing memories Transformational Energetic Healing aims to reduce stress through neutralising old or current traumatic feelings. Life can get really tough when you’re not getting enough quality sleep. Tossing and turning all night; sleeping for 3-4 hours and then, bing, you’re awake […]
PROGRAMMED WATER: THE SUSTAINER OF A HIGH VIBRATION LIFE Programmed water out-trumps plain water and can greatly help raise the vibration of your cells, so you can embody more and more Divine Light. Radiance comes from within your body, and water is a key element Without water there would be no life. All life came from […]
Clearing energy blocks by reducing stress Clearing energy blocks requires doing many different things, and one of them is to find ways to reduce your stress. Q. Are you wondering why what you want just isn’t becoming a reality for you? How To Relieve Stress A. Stress distorts your positive energy. Stress creates energy blocks. […]
Solfeggio Sound Frequency Healing – transformational energetic healing. Solfeggio music, chanting and notes are The Power of Sound. Music therapy is also now being scientifically embraced. Music is now being scientifically validated as a powerful medium for influencing our health, state of mind and improving dementia and alzheimers! Our mind is a powerful tool and […]
It’s time to pull the brave explorer in me out of the box! Come travel down the mighty Colorado River, in the majestic walls of the Grand Canyon! with Julia Smith Have you ever been white water rafting? I have never done it; it never really appealed to me. Yet I […]
Jerusalem! Wowza! What a place! I’m blown away by the incredibleness, the diversity, the ancient history in this city a; this is such a must experience! :))) Come explore, walk in honour, immerse in this place …with Julia Smith. The Land Speaks to Us The first thing to understand about Jerusalem is this is […]